About Me

Sugar Land, Texas, United States
People say it all the time...what you see is what you get, but its not true all the time. I am a complicated melody, and I don't think that people hear my tune all the time. Its pleasing to the ear, but can be interpreted in many ways. Turn the volume up, but not too loud because you might not be able to hear me over the music...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Let's Hear it fot Mini-Reunions

So while at work yesterday I got a text from a friend of mine Tracie from high school saying that she was going to be leaving town soon and that she was going to be out with some other friends somewhere in Village. I thought...what the heck. I called a few of my other friends and we rolled out.

Tracie likes to bar hop, not exactly my "thing" but I do like to be around people (well SOMETIMES). We all me up at this place don't ask me the name, because clearly I don't remember, and we were immediately met with a hint of culture shock. Definitely not my crowd, but everyone seemed like they were having a good time. I envy Tracie. I just love her energy, she never seems to get down and every time I speak to her she is up beat. She can make friends with anyone, people say that about me, but they have yet to meet the force that is T. Jones.

Anyhow meeting up with an old friend was good. She's pretty awesome.

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