About Me

Sugar Land, Texas, United States
People say it all the time...what you see is what you get, but its not true all the time. I am a complicated melody, and I don't think that people hear my tune all the time. Its pleasing to the ear, but can be interpreted in many ways. Turn the volume up, but not too loud because you might not be able to hear me over the music...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Things are never what they seem

I have had a hard lesson in reality and I have come to the conclusion that it sucks. Gone are the times of the cloudy haze and the bold sunshine. Gone are the days for youthful laughter and carefree days. I know too much, more than I would ever wish to have ever known. Now questions of when, where and why surround me. I am actually really disappointed. The pedestal that they stood on wavers and is crumbling...with each page that I read. I knew it was none of my business, but I kept searching and I kept digging. What I was looking for I don't know, but what I found I wish I could give back. My heart is heavy, and my view tainted. Is nothing left in this world sacred?

bitterly defeated in the idea of forever and love. I am not sure it exists, and that makes me sad. I don't want to fall victim to the same fate. So does that mean in order to protect myself from what might be that I continually shield myself a emotional recluse. Its going to take something short of a miracle to free my heart from its Alcatraz.