About Me

Sugar Land, Texas, United States
People say it all the time...what you see is what you get, but its not true all the time. I am a complicated melody, and I don't think that people hear my tune all the time. Its pleasing to the ear, but can be interpreted in many ways. Turn the volume up, but not too loud because you might not be able to hear me over the music...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Skiing is NOOOOO Joke

So I went skiing...that's right folks SKIING

my black skin, against the blinding whiteness of snow.
I tried to go but fear crippled me and I punked-out on the bunny slopes..lol

I flew to D.C. on Valentine's Day, it seems as though D.C. has become my new home away from home and my temporary escape from reality. We went to the Twinz Jazz Cafe. The music was cool..the establishment cozy, but the food though left much to be desired. Afterwards we hit up a club, it was cramped and definitely not up to any of our standards, but it was something to do and it was ....FREE..lol

The next day we would embark upon our skiing endeavor. We were traveling to Reading, Pennsylvania. This trip was going to be interesting. We were staying in the Sheraton, that looked like a re-vamped Days Inn, yea it was an absolute mess.

The bus ride was cool, being that I was out of my own domain, I spoke with the people I knew, listened to music, and slept. The bus ride lasted about 3 hours. As usual I had OVER packed. If you know me packing has never been something that I mastered. But never the less we arrived and did so safely, so I was thankful for that.

The trip was booked through a company that shall remain name-less for fear of copy right infringement, defamation of character, and just the shear shame of association...lol. The Group that we traveled with appropriately named the trip "Black Ice 2008". Upon arrival there was a sort of meet and greet with an open bar and "other" refreshments.

The 'other' refreshments included and were limited too: donuts: glazed, chocolate glazed, white glazed, and fruit filled. Tomato soup, your choice of crackers and/or bread, and a cup of ice cold water. Hmm yum....

We walked in and to our surprise we were greeted with the stench of stale carpeting & bengay, and what appeared to be a family reunion. Obliviously the people that we booked the trip through neglected to say that age range of its guest would be so wide. Ages 4 - 100...this was going to be very interesting. On the agenda for the evening, were the meet and greet, an adults only entertainment option and a Pajama After Party.

Before we 'partied' we picked up our registration materials at the front

Where do I begin? The meet and greet = WACK. The Adult only entertainment option = DISGUSTINGLY TACKY to the point that myself and my friend C just had to leave. Last but not least the faux "Pajama Jam", where people felt the need to wear nighties and silk pjs and furry house shoes. Hilarious.

We stayed just long enough for them to play Beyonce's 'Get Me Bodied", which seems to have become the national female song of unity...lol.

The next day we collected our ski's (yes we had to carry them OURSELVES, TO the ski lodge....GREAT..*insert disgruntled smiley here*). At breakfast we were met with scone inspired pancakes (that translates into dry and crumbly), "scrambled eggs", bacon, sausage, grits, and cereal. Oh and please let me not forget the orange juice (from concentrate) that was 10% juice and 90% water...uh yea nasty.

At the ski resort we were all riddled with anticipation. The snow was well white and deceptively inviting. Some how some way, I decided to allow my friends to talk me into NOT taking ski lessons, absolutely the WORST decision ever. A little tidbit about me, I am accident prone ( i just play it off well), afraid of heights, and afraid of falling, HARD. So being adventurous, I wrapped myself up, put on my ski's and tried my damnedest not to fall.

So as we approached the bunny slope, my friends just jumped into it. I was hesitant. I was barely standing still on my ski's and you want me to go DOWN a slope. I took one look and new that if I wanted to live that I should probably sit this one out. I moved to the side and tried to maneuver myself through this skiing endeavor. Skiing folks is NO joke. I was on flat land and still wasn't able to grasp the fundamentals, and I was an athlete for goodness sake. Ha ha ha. I suppose the operative phrase here is USE TO BE, lol. As the children swooped past startling me, I realized that I should probably call it quits. I know I know, I so PUNKED out *insert sad face here*

It wasn't long before C and Co. returned asking me where I had been. I explained to them my skiing failure they laughed, I shrugged my shoulders, and we all decided to go SNOW TUBING.

I have come to the realization that I am a scary person at times. (Ok I already new this but now I am letting you know.) We arrive at the snowtubing area and I am not quite sure it is something that I want to do, but being that previously I opted out of an activity, I thought it would be in my best interest to participate. So I did. we walked around and up a mountain to the snow tubing line where we collected our family tube and we went plunging. I screamed as I saw my life flash before my eyes, I think I even shed a tear. For some reason I just can't stand that feeling of your stomach being in your throat, its just disturbing. After my fit and the realization that I was still alive, I realized that it wasn't all that bad. I'd do it again, but the line was long and it was time to go.

So my first ski experience was over. It was bitter sweet. Would I do it again. Heck yea.

Later on that evening we had 'dinner' which was the dining highlight of the whole trip since everything else left much to be desired and got ready for the 'evening' events.

Michael Blackston and Avant were performers for the evening. It was cool. Blackston did pretty much the same ish as always, so I was bored for a bit. Then Avant followed, asking people not to record videos or take pictures, do you think he got is wish?..lol

Avant kind of put me in a "I want a boo" mood, blah. Music is my muse and will ultimately be my demise. I got over it eventually. So that was the end of the trip just about, we partied (kind of), we hung out, and more importantly we got away. Lord knows you just need to get away sometimes, even if it is rom a hint of shady organization.

-Awaiting the next trip.....definitely somewhere warm...I can't wait!

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