I'm Not Yo Ni**a
I’m not your ni**a
Ignorance perpetuated by a society that forced itself upon my people
I’m not your ni**a
Your poison seeps into the veins of the once strong and independent
Crippling them into a lesser being, dependent
We jig and jive to the beat of your drum but our rhythm is silenced
Laughing and performing for you with our white face and pink lips
I’m not your ni**a
You want me in black face when it is convenient for you
No jig-a-boos no wanna-bes
Just me
I’m not your ni**a
Stripping you of the power you don’t want me to have
Ni**a is a kryptonite binding my powers
Mentally, physically, emotionally
The green glow cowers over me refusing to loosen its grip
It grabbed the s on my chest and replaced it with an N
My cape was red but now it’s black tattered and worn
I’m tired
And you for years have been my proverbial thorn
In the attempt to weaken that which you cannot conquer
You chained me
Not just in the physical
But mentally
Refusing to allow me to see my ultimate potential
My cerebrum was removed and dissected
In hopes of deterring forward movement
But even with shameless attempts I emerge victorious
One fist in the air and my head bowing
Reaching for the heavens the only way I know how
Fighting for my place in a world the despises me
Reaching for my dreams
Grasping them for dear life
For fear that if I unclench my fist
The dreams that I have would disappear
I’m not yo ni**a
You see I never was
And never will be
I have always been more powerful than you
But you tried to keep me in the dark so I couldn’t see
But I have seen the light
And I stand tall
I’m not yo ni**a
And on only one master I will call.